The CSIA Code of Ethics
In addition to making sure professionals are sufficiently educated and trained to perform their jobs in the field, the CSIA believes it is equally important (if not more so) that professionals who wish to hold a CSIA credential act ethically when interacting with customers. For this reason, each CSIA credential holder must agree to and sign the following Code of Ethics: I fully acknowledge that certification by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) carries with it certain responsibilities and obligations which may hold me to a higher standard of performance and professional behavior than applicable laws, rules or regulations. In this regard, I pledge: ​
To learn and utilize all chimney and venting safety practices and techniques that are promoted by CSIA.
To render my services in an honest and fair manner and to refrain from engaging in unfair or deceptive practices or making any unfair or deceptive statements including but not limited to with regard to use of the CSIA logos.
To comply with all applicable building codes in the areas I service, with the manufacturer's installation instructions for the products I install, and with recognized chimney and venting practices.
To promote and educate consumers about safe chimney and venting practices.
To strive to continually update my knowledge, skills, and technique with regard to currently accepted chimney and venting safety practices.
To conduct myself in a decent, respectful, and professional manner when serving in my capacity as a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep or CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician, or when attending a function or event of an organization in the chimney or hearth products industry.
To comply with the proper usage of all CSIA Registered Trademarks as defined in the CSIA Trademark Use Guidelines documents.
I agree to accept and abide by the CSIA Code of Ethics as a standard in rendering services as a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep or CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician!
Be well, be safe, Be Happy!
Cindy Akana
