We follow National Fire Protection Association 211 Inspection standards when servicing wood burning masonry, factory built, free standing stoves and stove inserts.
Each of these systems have their own unique characteristics, thus the below service checklist may not be all-inclusive.
Level of cleanliness of the venting system
Verify that the flue is not blocked or significantly restricted or obstructed
Appliance clearances
General condition of the appliance
Chimney or vent is suitable for the appliance, joint security, support and stability
Chimney or vent and its connector type, material, condition and clearance
Chimney or vent and its offset, rise or slope
Chimney liner appropriate for appliance and support
Chimney liner is present and free of readily visible defects, distortions, and spalling
Condition of crown/wash when readily accessible
The chimney cap if present, does not contribute, to flue blockage/restriction
Spark arrestor if present, is not obstructed
General condition of hearth, hearth extension & hearth sizing
General condition of fireplace face, chamber, smoke chamber joints
Clearances to combustible trim/mantels around fireplace opening
Operation and closure of damper assembly (to include top mount/obstruction)
Smoke chamber transition, type, general condition
Freedom from rust or corrosion of readily accessible metal parts in a factory builtfireplace, stove, insert, chimney and stovepipe
*Weather Conditions, Roof design, clear and safe access, aged or poor roofing surface, along with chimney location, height, and design are all factors that will determine the sweeping and inspection protocol applied to your service. Fireplace and chimney systems can be properly cleaned and inspected (Level One) without having to obtain roof access via flying drone photography, digital photos, visual assessment with binoculars/video camera probes up the chimney and other means.
Level One Inspection will include but is not limited to: